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Where is the love?

July 2, 2012

Recently I shared my feelings on my Facebook page  about this inability to express love in my family, society and country. What I mean is people here are so emotionless, dry and stone hearted???  Being part of this place, I can see part of myself acting(yes acting!)  in that way even though that is what I dislike the most.

I desire for more authentic and deep conversations with other people. It seems most expressions here are on the superficial side . I feel that people are afraid to go deeper in their relationships with others.  Maybe it is due to our artificial environment, living in high rise flats away from the earth and also suppression from the government? I think it is in our subconscious to hold back in fear, not able to speak out freely.  Not being able to express love is equivalent to being zombies. Just a body walking around, lifeless.

To overcome this environment is actually not an easy thing. Some suggest to find a few people to enjoy with. Yes I agree  totally about that. Individually it is hard to work things out but so much easier in a group. In my earlier  post, I wrote about  some tips on how to express love. Further to that, another important point I realise is the sharing from the heart. It really is an amazing feeling, but requires courage to do so, to be vulnerable. It is something which stops people and catches their attention, when one speaks from the heart! It is probably their heart which is responding to the one who is sharing, without their knowing.  For a while, time seems to stop and you get the feeling of  hearts joining together as one! It has never been a better time to be Alive, to open our hearts and to spread the love!

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